About us




Het is echt simpel: Leven gaat om Geluk & Vreugde 

Dat is wat we willen dat alles wat we doen, hebben en voelen ons brengt: Geluk


Het is simpel - maar schijnbaar niet zo gemakkelijk te bereiken - en als je gelukkig bent, maak je je zorgen het weer te verliezen.


Dus, wanneer velen van ons denken en spreken over geluk, is het alsof we het hebben over een sprookje of een wensdroom - iets waarvan we geloven dat het moeilijk te bereiken is en nog moeilijker het te behouden. En toch verlang je ernaar, droom je ervan, wordt je er wanhopig van.


 We willen je het Genot van een gelukkig leven laten ervaren - en je laten ontdekken dat jij (zelf!) het verschil maakt. Onze trainingen, seminars en materialen bieden je de hulp en ondersteuning waar je altijd van hebt gedroomd, maar dacht dat ze niet voor je waren weggelegd. Wij helpen je ontdekken hoe je nu jouw gelukkige leven kunt leven, wat er ook gebeurt.


Bloomers biedt aan voor de volgende doelgroepen: Business, Onderwijs (ook TweeTalig) en Personal Wellbeing. Reis door deze site om te ontdekken wat Bloomers jou te bieden heeft op persoonlijk, educatief of zakelijk vlak. En vergeet niet te genieten!





It's really very simple: Life is about Happiness - Joy - Bliss

It's what we want anything we have, do and feel to bring us: Happiness


It's simple - but apparently not so easy to get - and when you are happy, you worry about losing that feeling again.


So, when many of us think and speak of happiness, it's like we are talking about a fairytale or wishful thinking - something you believe is hard to come by and harder still to keep. And yet, you yearn for it, dream of it, despair over it.


We want to let you experience the Bliss of living a happy life - and of discovering that you can (and do!) make all the difference. Our trainings, seminars and tools offer you the help and support you've always hoped for, but never thought you would get. Let us let you experience how to live your Happy life, now.


Bloomers creates programmes for Business, Education (including Bilingual) and Personal Wellbeing. Take a trip on the site and discover what Bloomers has to offer you for your business, education and personal wellness development. And remember to enjoy yourself!



About the trainers


Bloomers was started in 2008 bij Joyce Colijn and Raymond La Crois, who both have professional theatre backgrounds, as well as being trained environmentalists, who love to cook and eat great food and have found meditation to be a wonderfully stabilizing factor in their lives over the past 15 years.


Over the years, they have created a network of independent teachers, trainers and coaches who subscribe to the Bloomers philosophy and who are great assets to the Bloomers team, co-creating, teaching and training many of the Bloomers workshops, projects and trainings.


These days our teaching, training and coaching is done by some of the best experts available in the fields of theatre training, commercial training, personal development, and personal wellbeing.


Joyce grew up in Zambia with its amazing natural beauty, hence her (natural!) interest in the environment of our planet and had the good fortune to be exposed to many cultures while attending the International School of Lusaka. This school had a lively theatre scene, even bringing professional theatre groups from all over the globe to the school, including the Royal Shakespeare Company. This so inspired her, that she chose to become a professional dramatist, after first studying Environmental Science.

Her interest and subsequent daily practice in the Zen meditative tradition was sparked while working in theatre in London in the '90s.


Joyce has also trained as a reflexologist and kinesiologist - the principles of which she has over the years incorporated in her work with groups of all ages and backgrounds.


She is passionate about being able to offer the 8-week MBSR training to groups, as she feels strongly about people being able to make and keep themselves well throughout their lives.


The one thing she would like people to truly experience is the interconnectedness of all things - people, animals, the whole planet - and the richness this understanding brings to one's life.



Raymond hails from Leek, in Groningen - the Netherlands' most northerly province. He is passionate about theatre, the environment - especially energy - and ... steam engines! He feels that this great invention is the single most important contributing factor to being where we are today technologically.


As a trainer, he is passionate to share with people the techniques and views of great people who went before us for living a wonderful life in all respects. He has a vast experience in training people in communication and sales skills, and enjoys being part of the process of helping people develop these skills for themselves.



+31 6 814 819 01

